The Problem with Blaming Robots for Taking Our Jobs

The Problem with Blaming Robots for Taking Our Jobs

In the late nineteen-forties, Delmar Harder, a vice-president at Ford, popularized the term “automation”—a “nickname,” he said, for the increased mechanization at the company’s Detroit factory. Harder...
BingUNews Commencement 2022 profile: Alem Fitwi

BingUNews Commencement 2022 profile: Alem Fitwi

Before he came to Binghamton University to pursue his PhD, Alem Fitwi worked for years as the director of information and communications technology at Mekelle University in his native Ethiopia, overse...
What can you do with a computer engineering degree?

What can you do with a computer engineering degree?

Written byMelissa Sartore, ContributorMelissa SartoreContributorMelissa holds a Ph.D.Full Bioon | Topic: Computers & Tech| Reviewed byMonali ChuaticoComputer engineering jobs combine com...