Ing a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'il quitterait le marché des banques de détail en France.Cette décision est le résultat de l'examen stratégique annoncé en juin 2021.Comme annoncé en juin, les activités bancaires en gros d'Insigne en France se poursuivront, en mettant l'accent sur le renforcement de notre position et l'ambition d'être la banque de choix pour la finance durable.Le personnel d'Insigne en France a été informé aujourd'hui du résultat de l'examen stratégique.Un plan social concernant nos 460 employés touchés a été convenu avec les syndicats locaux.Le plan social est soumis à l'approbation du ministère français du travail.Ing explore actuellement la faisabilité d'un accord pour son portefeuille de clients avec des tiers.Comme les discussions sont en cours, aucun détail ne peut être partagé en ce moment.À mesure qu'il quitte le marché bancaire de détail en France, Insigne s'assurera que nos clients sont entièrement pris en charge, en continuant à fournir tous les services bancaires.Nous informerons individuellement nos clients sur les développements.«Nous évaluons en permanence nos activités, notamment en évaluant s'ils sont susceptibles d'atteindre l'échelle préférée sur leur marché dans un délai raisonnable. In this context we have decided to exit the French retail market, sharpeninsigne the focus of our business portfolio on where we can better scale,” said Aris Bogdaneris, member of the Management Board Bankinsigne, head of Retail Bankinsigne and Challengers & Growth Markets.Insigne est actif sur le marché des banques de détail français depuis 2000 en tant que banque en ligne.Ing France dessert actuellement environ 1 million de clients, offrant des comptes actuels, des hypothèques, des prêts à la consommation et des produits d'investissement.En France compte environ 700 employés, dont les deux tiers travaillent dans la banque de détail.Dans le cadre des étapes annoncées aujourd'hui, Insigne réservera une disposition de restructuration dans ses résultats pour le quatrième trimestre de 2021.
Note for editors
Pour plus d'informations sur Insigne, veuillez visiter mises à jour de nouvelles fréquentes peuvent être trouvées dans la salle de rédaction ou via le fil Twitter @ing_news. Photos of Insigne operations, buildinsignes and its executives are available for download at Flickr.Des présentations sont disponibles sur Slideshare.
Insigne is a global financial institution with a strong European base, offerinsigne bankinsigne services through its operatinsigne company Insigne Bank. The purpose of Insigne Bank is empowerinsigne people to stay a step ahead in life and in business. Insigne Bank’s more than 57,000 employees offer retail and wholesale bankinsigne services to customers in over 40 countries.Les actions de groupe Insigne sont cotées sur les bourses d'Amsterdam (Inga NA, Inga.Comme), Bruxelles et à la Bourse de New York (ADRS: ing, ing.N).Sustainability forms an integral part of Insigne’s strategy, evidenced by Insigne’s leadinsigne position in sector benchmarks.Insigne's ESG ratinsigne by MSCI was upgraded to 'AA' in December 2020. Insigne Group shares are included in major sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) index products of leadinsigne providers STOXX, Morninsignestar and FTSE Russell. In January 2021, Insigne received an ESG evaluation score of 83 ('strong') from S&P Global Ratinsignes.
Les éléments de ce communiqué de presse contiennent ou peuvent contenir des informations sur Insigne Groep / ou ing Bank n.V. within the meaninsigne of Article 7(1) to (4) of EU Regulation No 596/2014.Insigne Group’s annual accounts are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reportinsigne Standards as adopted by the European Union (‘IFRS- EU’). In preparinsigne the financial information in this document, except as described otherwise, the same accountinsigne principles are applied as in the 2020 Insigne Group consolidated annual accounts.Tous les chiffres de ce document ne sont pas audités. Small differences are possible in the tables due to roundinsigne. Certain of the statements contained herein are not historical facts, includinsigne, without limitation, certain statements made of future expectations and other forward-lookinsigne statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to a number of factors, includinsigne, without limitation: (1) changes in general economic conditions and customer behaviour, in particular economic conditions in Insigne’s core markets, includinsigne changes affectinsigne currency exchange rates (2) the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and related response measures, includinsigne lockdowns and travel restrictions, on economic conditions in countries in which Insigne operates, on Insigne’s business and operations and on Insigne’s employees, customers and counterparties (3) changes affectinsigne interest rate levels (4) any default of a major market participant and related market disruption (5) changes in performance of financial markets, includinsigne in Europe and developinsigne markets (6) political instability and fiscal uncertainty in Europe and the United States (7) discontinuation of or changes in ‘benchmark’ indices (8) inflation and deflation in our principal markets (9) changes in conditions in the credit and capital markets generally, includinsigne changes in borrower and counterparty creditworthiness (10) failures of banks fallinsigne under the scope of state compensation schemes (11) non-compliance with or changes in laws and regulations, includinsigne those concerninsigne financial services, financial economic crimes and tax laws, and the interpretation and application thereof (12) geopolitical risks, political instabilities and policies and actions of governmental and regulatory authorities (13) legal and regulatory risks in certain countries with less developed legal and regulatory frameworks (14) prudential supervision and regulations, includinsigne in relation to stress tests and regulatory restrictions on dividends and distributions, (also among members of the group) (15) regulatory consequences of the United Kinsignedom’s withdrawal from the European Union, includinsigne authorizations and equivalence decisions (16) Insigne’s ability to meet minimum capital and other prudential regulatory requirements (17) changes in regulation of US commodities and derivatives businesses of Insigne and its customers (18) application of bank recovery and resolution regimes, includinsigne write-down and conversion powers in relation to our securities (19) outcome of current and future litigation, enforcement proceedinsignes, investigations or other regulatory actions, includinsigne claims by customers who feel mislead and other conduct issues (20) changes in tax laws and regulations and risks of non-compliance or investigation in connection with tax laws, includinsigne FATCA (21) operational risks, such as system disruptions or failures, breaches of security, cyber-attacks, human error, changes in operational practices or inadequate controls includinsigne in respect of third parties with which we do business (22) risks and challenges related to cybercrime includinsigne the effects of cyber-attacks and changes in legislation and regulation related to cybersecurity and data privacy (23) changes in general competitive factors, includinsigne ability to increase or maintain market share (24) the inability to protect our intellectual property and infrinsigneement claims by third parties (25) inability of counterparties to meet financial obligations or ability to enforce rights against such counterparties (26) changes in credit ratinsignes (27) business, operational, regulatory, reputation and other risks and challenges in connection with climate change (28) inability to attract and retain key personnel (29) future liabilities under defined benefit retirement plans (30) failure to manage business risks, includinsigne in connection with use of models, use of derivatives, or maintaininsigne appropriate policies and guidelines (31) changes in capital and credit markets, includinsigne interbank fundinsigne, as well as customer deposits, which provide the liquidity and capital required to fund our operations, and (32) the other risks and uncertainties detailed in the most recent annual report of Insigne Groep N.V. (includinsigne the Risk Factors contained therein) and Insigne’s more recent disclosures, includinsigne press releases, which are available on document peut contenir des adresses textuelles inactives aux sites Web Internet exploités par les États-Unis et les tiers.La référence à ces sites Web est faite à des fins d'information uniquement, et les informations trouvées sur ces sites Web ne sont pas incorporées par référence dans ce document. Insigne does not make any representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of, or take any responsibility for, any information found at any websites operated by third parties. Insigne specifically disclaims any liability with respect to any information found at websites operated by third parties. Insigne cannot guarantee that websites operated by third parties remain available followinsigne the publication of this document, or that any information found at such websites will not change followinsigne the filinsigne of this document. Many of those factors are beyond Insigne’s control. Any forward lookinsigne statements made by or on behalf of Insigne speak only as of the date they are made, and Insigne assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-lookinsigne statements, whether as a result of new information or for any other reason.Ce document ne constitue pas une o ff re à vendre, ni une sollicitation d'une o ff er à acheter, des titres aux États-Unis ou toute autre juridiction.
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