Campus à l'entreprise, partie 1: 10 changements au travail qui vont vous affecter

Virtual work will be on the rise and technology will lead the way
Employers will put more focus on the result of your effort

Le monde a changé.Le changement est partout, que ce soit dû aux progrès technologiques, à l'évolution des scénarios socio-économiques, des changements dans la démographie du commerce mondial, la naissance de nouveaux secteurs ou des ralentissements dans de nombreuses économies.Les organisations qui n'existaient même pas il y a 10 ans sont désormais des sociétés géantes et, d'autre part, les marques et organisations durables ont pris un coup.Les limites physiques disparaissent rapidement avec l'avènement de la technologie.Les processus changent.Et être standardisé.

C'est contre cette toile de fond que le sol sous nos pieds s'est déplacé presque toute la nuit.La nouvelle pandémie de coronavirus est arrivée, appuyant sur le bouton de pause sur la vie du monde entier, redéfinissant la vie telle que nous le connaissons.Nous ne savons pas à quoi ressemblera les affaires comme d'habitude après la fin.Mais une crise mondiale sans précédent à part, bon nombre des changements que nous voyons maintenant nous avaient déjà rampé.Covid-19 peut simplement avoir accéléré leur adoption.

À mon avis, les changements suivants ont dominé ces dernières années et sont là pour rester:

  1. Virtual working on the rise
  2. Technology leading our way
  3. The workforce of tomorrow will be looking for flexibility, purpose and authenticity versus selling time to earn a mere salary.

La transition du campus à l'entreprise est toujours difficile et avec les changements mentionnés ci-dessus, vous devez vous adapter à quelques choses que les «recrues» du passé auraient pu gérer différemment.

Campus to Corporate, Part 1: 10 changes at work that are going to affect you

Dans cette série d'articles, nous expliquerons comment nous pouvons nous préparer et nous adapter à l'environnement changeant pour faire une marque du jour 1 de notre vie d'entreprise.

Avant de nous plonger sur des sujets individuels, comprenons comment le monde de l'entreprise a changé au cours des dernières années… Voici mes 10 meilleurs changements:

  1. The definition of office has changed; it’s no longer a place where you need to report every morning and stay till evening (sometimes stay back late till your boss leaves for home). The future workplace will be a lot more flexible; many organisations are looking at a “hybrid model” wherein you may be able to work a few days a week from almost anywhere (preferably home). All you need is a quiet place to sit or stand as you may prefer, a computer and a good internet connection.
  2. Timing for work may not always be as rigid as in the past; you will rather be asked to “deliver your task” than to be in office for eight hours. This means there may not be someone physically present sitting next to you to oversee or monitor what you are delivering on an hourly basis. This also means you are partly the master of your own time and you may decide how to utilise those available hours that suit you and your organisation the most.
  3. There are two kinds of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) – input KPI and output KPI. To put it simply, input KPI is related to the effort you put in and output KPI is the result of your effort. Most organisations are now focussing on your delivery and hence on output KPI; soon input KPI will be a thing of the past.
  4. Most jobs have a very clear job description (JD) which is explained to us as we start a new role. Over time I can see the expectations from an individual growing and the JD being just an indicator of your role. So, if you get an average rating during your appraisal even after you’ve delivered everything that was put down in your JD, do not be surprised.
  5. In the past most of us had a one-department/ one-boss relationship, the organisations were hierarchical and a clear Manager-Employee relation was defined. The world is now moving towards Matrix Working – you will need to work with many departments and to collaborate with many others who will directly or indirectly influence your career. And eventually you may end up reporting to more than one manager.
  6. Informal Leadership is here to stay; this means you may sometimes need to lead a team when you are not the hierarchical leader. So, the skills you need for your corporate career will be a bit different from the successful leaders of the past; you must be ready to lead even without a formal designation.
  7. Access to Information was always a key to success in the past; the person who knew a lot or had access to information was king. However, in today’s world, information is easily available in abundance, thus having information is no more a key to success. It’s all about how you can convert that information into meaningful stories – that will mark the difference and make you stand out. Yes, storytelling will be a thing of the future.
  8. Corporates are moving from transactional relationships to purpose-driven relationships. For the new generation workforce, it is not about only work anymore. People are looking for a holistic life; to find purpose and balance. It is not about selling their time for a salary, at the cost of missing out on the rest of life. People are mostly united in demanding that the world prioritise balance of life with work, profit with purpose. Most are in search of deeper meaning in their work.
  9. Technology will dominate our life. You can be from any walk of life, your relation with technology is here to stay. So it is better to be an early adopter than a lagger. With evolving technology and changing work environment, if one thing is here to stay it is – Continuous Learning. You need to continuously unlearn, learn and relearn. This makes you a perpetual student in this corporate world. So, if you think your days of education or learning are over… I am afraid, it’s just another beginning.
  10. While networking always helps, the need for it is evolving even further. It is not only about how much you know, it is also about who you know. With distant working and matrix organisation, networking will be a key to success. But you should know how and who to network with as it can consume more time and energy than you may think.

Je viens de souligner que 10 des changements qui vont vous affecter pendant que vous passez dans le monde de l'entreprise.Il y a plus de changements.Gardant cela à l'esprit, dans cette série d'articles, nous expliquerons comment nous pouvons mieux naviguer au début de notre carrière… du campus à l'entreprise.

Dans la prochaine colonne, nous expliquerons comment vous pouvez vous préparer à affronter le monde de l'entreprise….Même avant de commencer votre travail.Cela signifie comment vous pouvez vous préparer pendant la période où vous avez l'offre d'emploi et aussi quelques semaines / mois pour vous joindre le jour.

À bientôt!

Partha Sarathi Basu a occupé des postes de direction chez Coca-Cola, Whirlpool, IFB Group, Tata Group, Spicejet et Akzonobel.Il est actuellement associé à une cabinet de conseil de premier plan en plus d'être un coach en leadership.Il est l'auteur de cinq livres basés sur ses expériences d'entreprise et de vie.Calcuttan inconditionnel, il vit maintenant à Amsterdam.

Last updated on 10 Jan 2022
13:12 PM
Career AdviceFirst JobleadershipcorporatesCampus
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