Lehtori, kehittyvä teknologia ja kvanttilaskenta

Lehtori, kehittyvä teknologia ja kvanttilaskenta

Vuonna 1974 perustettu Deakin on julkinen yliopisto Victoriassa, jossa on 61 000 opiskelijaa viidellä kampuksella: Melbourne Burwood, Geelong Waurn Ponds, Geelong Waterfront, Warrnambool ja online Cloud Camp...
Johdatus Multihop VPN -verkkoihin

Johdatus Multihop VPN -verkkoihin

Kuvan lähde: Getty Images Internet-yksityisyytesi ja tietoturvasi on yhä haastavampaa ylläpitää. Multihop VPN tarjoaa erinomaisen suojan näillä alueilla. Ota selvää, onko multihop VPN ...
Microsoft Defender Antivirus Review

Microsoft Defender Antivirus Review

Teknologiakuvake Microsoft, joka tunnetaan Windows-käyttöjärjestelmästään, tunnetaan yhtä lailla alemmasta virussuojauksesta. Sen edellinen Windows Defender -tuote toimi yleensä huonosti...
Pilot project to tackle farm tech labour shortage

Pilot project to tackle farm tech labour shortage

Article content We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, ortap here to see other videos from our team. Pilot project to tackle farm tech labour shortage Back to...
IT-OT Convergence Has Always Been The Path Forward

IT-OT Convergence Has Always Been The Path Forward

As Industry 4.0 and IIoT (Industrial Internet ofThings) concepts become real applications,an exciting conversation has developed centeredon the integration of information technology(IT) with operation...
Dean Knight on half a century teaching science at SVHS

Dean Knight on half a century teaching science at SVHS

You might think that after 50 years of teaching science classes at Sonoma Valley High School, Dean Knight might be a bit burned out and ready to retire.Think again. He not only is still going strong,...
Steps for building a privacy program, plus checklist

Steps for building a privacy program, plus checklist

Why are privacy programs important? A good privacy program informs employees how a company plans to keep information secure, who is responsible for managing the plan and what actions will be taken dur...