Amazon Gift Signals Confidence in Community Colleges

Amazon Gift Signals Confidence in Community Colleges

Amazon is funding a pilot that will support the launch of new computer science bachelor’s degree programs at community and technical colleges in Seattle and across Washington State, an investment mean...
AlphaCode на DeepMind: Готов ли е AI да замени програмистите? БЛАГОДАРЯ ТИ

AlphaCode на DeepMind: Готов ли е AI да замени програмистите? БЛАГОДАРЯ ТИ

„Нов крайъгълен камък в състезателното програмиране“ беше провъзгласено от британското дъщерно дружество за изкуствен интелект на Google DeepMind по-рано този месец, когато представи AlphaCode, система, която твърди, че може да пише пълноценни изчисления...
The Power of Natural Language Processing

The Power of Natural Language Processing

Leer en español Ler em portuguêsUntil recently, the conventional wisdom was that while AI was better than humans at data-driven decision making tasks, it was still inferior to humans for cognitive a...
Three Tips For Investing In The Not-So-Roaring ’20s

Three Tips For Investing In The Not-So-Roaring ’20s

Financial strategist at eBooleant Consulting LLC & Micro Macro Infinity, which provides his insights into economics, markets, and investing.What happened to the roaring 2020s that so many predicte...