Blockchain Has Payroll Potential, Practitioner Says

Blockchain Has Payroll Potential, Practitioner Says

Blockchain technology can be used to create a detailed, indisputable log of payroll-related transactions among many other uses, a payroll practitioner said May 13.“Most people know of blockchain becau...
What Is Cryptocurrency?

What Is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money that’s based on blockchain technology. You may be familiar with the most popular versions, Bitcoin and Ethereum, but there are more than 5,000 different c...


But don’t write off NFTs as a passing fad just yet. While most NFT sales so far have come in collectibles, art and replicas of physical goods, experts say there is far greater potential in the future...
Policy and Legal

Policy and Legal

As the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission works to finalize a new rule requiring climate disclosures by public companies, the NAM is mobilizing to defend manufacturers.The background: Manufacture...
Големият пробив в ядрения синтез може да направи път за неограничена чиста енергия

Големият пробив в ядрения синтез може да направи път за неограничена чиста енергия

Интервю, проведено от Лора Томсън, 9 март 2022 г. Лидери на мисли Dr. Джо МилнсРъководител на JET Операциите на Обединеното кралство за атомна енергия (UKAEA)AZoCleantech интервюира д-р Джо Милнс, ръководител на JET Операции, Обединеното кралство...